How to lower blood pressure at home without medication?

Medicines are making you hyper dependent and it’s time to quit all the bad addictions- including your medication!

Start your routine with daily yoga practice to lower blood pressure and notice the changes in your health.

High blood pressure may worse your heart and kidney health. People are suffering from high blood pressure due to poor lifestyle and diet routine or excessive consumption of alcohol. Sometimes, pregnant women also ask experts to lower blood pressure remedies without medication. Here, in this article, we will share excellent ways to lower blood pressure at your home in the absence of medicines.

Blood pressure is the speed of blood flow in your arteries. There is a certain amount of pressure required by human body to keep circulating the blood across the body. The heart pumps the blood via arteries and it is the major organ behind blood pressure. If your heart is healthy, you won’t have to deal with issues related to blood pressure.

What keeps your heart healthy?

Heart is the muscular organ providing oxygenated blood to the body. Your healthy heart can keep the blood pressure related issues at bay. There are certain things you can do to keep your heart healthy –

  1. Yoga
  2. Healthy and balanced diet
  3. Limit alcohol and quit smoke
  4. Lower sodium intake
  5. Sleep well
  6. Ease your stress
  7. Keep check on your cholesterol and blood sugar

Normal blood pressure ranges lower than 120/80 mm Hg. When the blood pressure is ever greater than 180/120mm Hg, the person must contact medical emergency.

What are the quick home remedies to treat high blood pressure?

A person can try the following lower the blood pressure remedies with herbs and spices in the kitchen. Apart from these, one can make changes to lifestyle and adopt good habits for healthy heart –

Garlic consumption – garlic has sulfur compounds such as allicin that relax your arteries and enhance the blood flow.
Sesame seed oil – sesame seeds are the great protector against oxidative damage to blood vessels. The high magnesium content in sesame seeds may help lower blood pressure. The vitamin E, lignans, and other antioxidants found in sesame help in preventing plaque accumulation in the arteries.
Ginger juice – a spoon full of ginger juice with lemon water may instantly help in lower your blood pressure. Consuming ginger will protect your arteries against clotting.

Yoga is a pure blessing of our ancestors. Yogic exercises and breathe techniques can help treat various ailments of the body without any surgery or medication. Some stretches can ease your blood flow and lower your blood pressure in jiffy.

Child pose, bhujanga asan, vipreet karni, warrior pose, gentle twisting, brahmri pranayam, chandrabhedi are some great practices you can start with to manage your high blood pressure.

Deep breathing instantly improve your blood flow if done right. You may practice deep breathing techniques to lower your blood pressure without any need of the medicine.

Healthy and balanced diet
Including whole grains, millets, fresh fruits and vegetables can lower your blood pressure faster. Try to include potassium and magnesium rich food to compensate the effects of table salt and sodium on blood pressure. Always read the food labels before buying anything processed from the market. Try to find low-sodium food versions and beverages. Eat well-cooked food at fixed time.

Limit alcohol and quit smoking
It is always advisable to check your alcohol intake if you are suffering from blood pressure related issues. Excess drinking make blood pressure medicines less impactful and may also increase blood pressure. Smoking is injurious to health- every cigarette making company label this statement on each packet of their product. People still buy them – why? Any kind of addiction is bad for your health. When a person smokes, the tar is formed in the arteries that result in blocked valves. This is why health professionals always advise to quit such addictions before it’s too late.

Get good sleep
The corporate world may get harsh on some people health. The workload and the stress faced by the employees interfere in their sleep. Those who don’t work in companies but run their businesses are also getting high blood pressure problem due to lack of sleep. One must practice yog nidra under the guidance of a good meditation guru to enhance sleep quality. Once the sleep quality improves, your blood pressure becomes normal.

Ease your stress
Practice stress management techniques – draw, paint, do gardening, listen music, chant mantras, etc. to ease your stress. It is not hard to release your stress; you should know which technique will suit your body.
Keep check on your cholesterol and blood sugar
Cholesterol and blood sugar put your heart health at risk. It is always important to keep your cholesterol and blood sugar level in check to avoid any heart related problem.

You can follow these lower blood pressure remedies and treat yourself at home in time. All these key points are indeed helpful in managing high blood pressure at home. If you have a bp patient at home and want to take care, follow the tips mentioned above and in case of emergency, please contact the healthcare provider as soon as you can.

Yogymummy is providing therapy yoga sessions for high blood pressure, low blood pressure and hypertension patients. Connect with us at for details.

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