Can Thyroid Interfere in Pregnancy?

How to control thyroid with yoga and diet during pregnancy?

In human body, thyroid is a responsible gland that produces hormones. Excessive or insufficient production of these hormones may cause health problems during pregnancy. If left untreated, females can experience premature birth, stillbirth, and miscarriage. It is advisable to treat the thyroid condition during pregnancy with yogic kriyas and satvic diet to have a healthy pregnancy and a baby.

What is thyroid?

Thyroid is a gland present in the throat that helps your body work by releasing certain important hormones. This butterfly-shaped organ is responsible for making chemicals that directly impact your metabolism, growth, heart rate, etc. A balanced thyroid hormone is able to produce balanced amount of hormones needed for distinct body functions.

If thyroid is underactive, it is a case of hypothyroidism in which it is not making enough hormones. Symptoms of hypothyroidism –

  • Fatigue
  • Unable to stand low temperatures
  • Face swelling
  • Hoarse voice
  • Constipation
  • Weight gain
  • Skin and hair dryness
  • Loss of eyebrows
  • Wrist pain
  • Slow heart rate
  • Irregular menstrual periods
  • Muscle cramps
  • Poor focus

Is there any risk involve in pregnancy if mother has hypothyroidism?

It is important for everyone to know that during the initial stage of pregnancy, the fetus depends on the mother for thyroid hormones. These hormones help in brain development and fetus growth. It is advisable to keep the thyroid level in check to prevent its long-lasting impact on the fetus.

How to test for hypothyroidism?

The healthcare provider offers you a physical exam and may ask you for blood sample. The blood test helps in measuring the hormones and TSH in the body. TSH or thyroid stimulating hormone sends signal to thyroid gland for producing hormones.

If thyroid is overactive, it is a case of hyperactive thyroid condition in which thyroid is producing excessive amount of hormones than the actual requirement of the body.

The overactive thyroid brings the following symptoms-

  • Speed up metabolism
  • Hyperactivity
  • Weight loss with no reason
  • Heat sensitivity
  • Sleeping issues
  • Mood swings
  • Swelling in neck
  • Irregular heart rate (palpitations)
  • Trembling or twitching

During pregnancy, tissue present in the placenta produces a hormone named human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and if this hormone is excess in amount, pregnant lady experiences morning sickness more than usual.

Sometimes, in rare scenario, a pregnant woman develops temporary hyperthyroid condition during pregnancy; this can be treated with right medication and diet along with some stretches and exercises.

How hyperthyroidism condition affects the fetus?

Hyperthyroidism can cause growth related issues in the fetus. A mother diagnosed with hyperthyroidism can encounter complications like- pregnancy loss, premature birth, preeclampsia, low birth rate, thyroid storm, placental abruption, gestational hypertension, fetal hydrops, goiter, tachycardia, intrauterine growth restriction or congestive heart failure.

How Yoga and diet can help you in balancing thyroid functioning?

Yoga brings countless health benefits; starting from energy balance, improved flexibility, and stress management- it is a single source to manage your mind, body, and soul. Hypothyroidism and stress are interlinked and with right yogic practices, one can correct the functioning of thyroid and get treated for hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

Here are some simple yogic stretches and poses to help you in balancing your thyroid function during pregnancy –

  1. Neck stretch up and down
Easy neck stretch to activate your thyroid during pregnancy

Stretching your neck up and down can activate your thyroid gland and enhance its functioning. You need to do it with breathing coordination. When you raise your head up, you have to look up to the sky with maximum reach while inhaling. As you bring your neck down and chin towards your chest, exhale.

  • Vipareet karani mudra or legs up the wall

This is a restorative mudra that one can practice to restore the balance of the body. You just need a wall for support to practice vipreetkarni mudra. Lie on the back and lift your legs up along the wall. You can hold this posture as long as you feel comfortable and slowly increase your time up to 20 minutes a day. Keep your buttocks on the floor if you have cervical issue.

Naturopathy for thyroid

The endocrine system of the human body has thyroid gland that can be influenced by stress. One can easily manage his/her stress levels using naturpathic approaches like meditation, deep breathing techniques, yog nidra, massage therapy, hydrotherapy, and color therapy.

Naturopathic approach for thyroid related health concerns may give effective results and minimize the symptoms without making any negative impact on the baby and the mother.

At Yogymummy, we have facility to bring you the best naturopathy treatment along with yoga and meditation for thyroid and other health issues. Connect with us and get cure naturally.

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