How to fix varicose veins with yoga?

Recently I have found that my mother in law is suffering from varicose veins. This is a common condition among old people, those who are obese and pregnant ladies. Varicose veins can be caused by weak or damaged vein walls and valves. But this condition can be fixed. You can fix varicose veins or spider veins with specific yoga asanas that Yogymummy will be sharing in this post.

Time is a great healer but not in the case of varicose veins. If you have seen a leaf, you have noticed several veins distributed across the leaf are connected to midrib. When there is a hole in a leaf, it is unable to circulate water and minerals throughout the leaf and its color changes. In the same way when veins get blocked, blood doesn’t flow smoothly throughout them and this leads to varicose veins.

 If you think this condition will be healed with time, you are wrong. The faulty vein valves encounter difficulty in pushing blood back towards the heart; to make it easy, there are some yogic exercises that will regulate blood flow and pressure throughout the body. Here are top best asanas for fixing varicose vein and help you ease your pain by repairing your damaged vein valves and allowing blood to flow back up to the heart. Let’s start!

Easy Yoga For Varicose Veins

  1. Taad asan

Taad asan is a great full body stretching yoga asan that an individual suffering from varicose veins can perform every day. It helps correct your body posture and make spine more agile. It works on your ankles, thigh muscles, and joints. You can gain control over muscular movements with regular practice of taad asan. If you are having high bp, avoid raising your heels and just stretch your whole body.

To do taad asan, you need to stand in samasthiti pose. Bring your hands forward, cross them and take them above your head. Stretch your spine up and raise your heels. Balance on your toes for at least 30 seconds and repeat it 2-3 times.

2. Adho mukha shvanasan (downward dog)

Again, adho mukha shvanasan is a stretching pose that works on your calf muscles. People suffering from varicose veins can do this asana daily to end pain they are getting from damaged vein valves.

To do this asan, you need to come down on your knees. Now balance on your hands and knees and slowly raise your body and straight your knees. If you are having severe knee pain, you can bend your knees a bit and perform adho mukha shvanasan.

3.Viparit Karani

Viparit Karani is the best yoga asan to give relief to your spine, legs, and of course nervous system. For this pose, you have to lay on your back and legs-up-the wall. You need to hold this pose for 2-3 minutes to attain the state of complete relaxation. The best part about this asana is that you don’t need to be flexible to perform viparit karani.

4. Nauka asan (Boat pose)

Nauka asana is another decent balancing pose that you can try at your home to treat varicose veins. This asana not only helps in strengthening your knees and calf muscles, but also flatten your tummy. To do this asan, just lay down at your back. Now, raise your legs up along with your upper body. You need to balance on your butts. Those who are facing knee pain issues can bend their knees while raising the both legs upside.

Apart from these exercises, you can use premium quality sesame oil to massage around varicose veins at night before sleeping. You can follow this ritual after bathing in the morning as well for better results.

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